Tuesday, November 07, 2006

They Could Only Fix So Many Races

At the moment, I am once more proud to be American. My faith in our tarnished and abused democratic franchise is slowly becoming restored. It would seem that the party of spineless wishy-washer pro-war Democrats has taken control of our House of Representatives. This is a good thing. Despite their conniving in the corrupt and non-sensical two-party system, the Democrats are a party of change, and usually change in the right (meaning left) direction. There are exceptions of course. Lock-step Republindependant Joe-"mentum" Lieberman "prevailed" in Connecticut, proving that it's ok to tell people they shouldn't critisize the Great Warlord Premier Bush. For the house at large though, things are looking up. If these Democrats actually gain control, who knows, some of them might actually feel like calling W on a couple of his pacts with the "Devil" (thank you Senor Chavez).

The Senate looks unlikely to wilt in the winds of righteous popular anger. Too many close races the "Repugs" were able to jiggle around and claim a ficticious lead, probably. Jim Webb, last time I checked, had a ghost of a lead in the Virginia Senate race, which will probably evaporate in the next little while. Ho hum.

But it could have been worse, I tell ya. This is the first American election I've watched that I've felt optimistic about. Perhaps there will be a deluge of Congressional investigations next year... one can always dream.


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