Friday, October 05, 2007

On Things

Well, I had an eventful Summer, but not so eventful as some previous ones perhaps. However this was all right. I didn't go to Europe. I didn't set anything on fire. I didn't steal the phone repairman's shoes. I didn't cast out any demons. I didn't hide in a port-o-potty.

I did get some writing done. I decided pull a George Armstrong Custer (attempt something I am almost certainly incapable of) and develop some female characters. This has had mixed results, but at least they're results. A woman called Deianeira Hodgson-Heyworth is the obscenely wealthy widow of "noted industrialist John C. Heyworth." She lives in New York (or somewhere very similar) in the 1920s. Apparently most of her friends have gone the way of her husband, so she resolves upon hiring a "lady companion" to share in her personality, which is far too, shall we say, dynamic, for one person. Her companion is named Mercy, which is appropriate. They have many adventures.

Thus far they've had two adventures, but they'll probably be seen to experience more.. but who knows?

Other than that I am taking tomorrow my last ever cursed standardized test: the biggest of them all in fact, the SAT (Sordid Atrocious Taunting). I've been preparing for this God-forgiven piece of rapacious inhumanity for many moons, many Yojanas in fact. Predictably my math skills were on par with that of a two-headed with brucellosis. We'll get through somehow.

If you're looking for an unfathomably good, epic-length novel, try A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why so few comments from your readership, huh? I just stumbled on to Sir Jean's "arbitrary ravings" and wanna know more 'bout the author, to wit: Are you Canadian-Indian? Desi? And the age? The bloggings on Harry Potter shocking (at least from my vantage point)for someone a few years out of post-secondary education (What IS this Indian(?)fascination for Rowling's tripe, huh!?)! About Seth: I can never seem to finish his longwinded(heavy?) offerings, though "Two Lives" made it to the Finish Line, finding it well-written, not to say, interesting. A good read.Would like to know what you (and readers) thought of "Bombay Time" by Thrity Umrigar. Anyhoo, back to Nathaniel West........

1:45 PM  
Blogger Chipsen Dipp said...

Good sir/Madam supposes that my readership... shall we say, exists? Well, Juliaji is very good about checking in and commenting, but I really don't know of any other regulars. As to my identity, I consider it a great compliment to be mistaken for an Indo-anything, but alas I am ethnically English. I have simply made it one of my endeavors to become the Occidental answer to the proverbial "brown Englishman." Perhaps I've succeeded. Age: about to start university.
As to Vikram Seth, come on! I have yet to encounter a novel as splendidly sweeping, escapist, and informative as A Suitable Boy. I love the fact that it never ends, and will be very sad when it actually does.

3:44 PM  
Blogger R said...

I read 'A suitable boy' when I was barely 15. The tome had captivated me to the extent that I wished

places in Mumbai had such lovely names as Misri Mandi and Pasand Bagh. It's difficult to believe

Vikram Seth is a trained architect and not a psychologist.

6:10 AM  
Blogger R said...

BTW, 'Yojan' is a unit of distant, not of time. (1 Yojan = 4 Kose = 8000 British Yards = 0.9144 metres.)

Anyway , you won't be asked this in the SAT.

6:13 AM  

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