Yesterday a number of bombs exploded inside seven trains on the Mumbai transit system. Police estimated the deaths at around 190 with at least 600 wounded. The blasts effectively shut down the city, one of India's largest financial centers.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called these attacks "cowardly." I disagree, as the emotion of cowardice and its parent, fear, can only be ascribed to mammals of higher developement, such as humans. These attacks were obviously not committed by humans. The perpetrators of this atrocity would be boastful to classify themselves as anything above brine shrimp, for their cold-blooded sociopathy belies humanity.
As crores of Mumbai's citizens saw their city thrown into violence and terror (yes, I use the word), many deserve the sincerest praise for their heroic selflessness in assisting the many wounded train passengers, requiring no encouragement but flocking to help those in need.
My prayers go out to these, and all other victims of violence and militarism worldwide.
7 bombs went off in only 11 minutes in those serial blasts. But we Mumbaikars are still reeling their effect in more ways than we had imagined.
I can only imagine, Mumbai being the voluminous place it is.
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