Confuse their knavish tricks, confound their pooooolitics, long may she reign!
I'm SO exited! London! Omar goodness! And Paris! Yes!!! We're finally going TODAY of all days. I can't believe how much I'm gonna see... the British Museum, the war rooms, a PLAY at the GLOBE theater! (the Winter's Tale, which is awesome), the Zoo (God bless Raffles), the National Gallery, and soooo much more. And that's just in London. In Paris I'm going to see le Grand Louvre (formidable!), la musee d'Orsay (I don't think that's how it's spelled, but what the hell), the Paris zoo (naturellement), the Versaille(?) palace, Notre Dame (sadly, we won't make it to Chartres, but oh well), and that's just what comes to mind right now:D. Oh right, and I'll get water from the Thames AND the Seine for my growing collection of worldly water bottles. So auvoir non-existent readers!!! This shall be the grandest adventure yet. I won't write! or send postcards! or use a computer! BWAHAHAHAHA! (pathetic, I know, but we all must have an outlet). Anyway, to put it into one hyphenated word, I'm SUPER-PSYCHED! Cheerio you bally bunch of blighters!