Why Caesar? Why not ME???
Oh yeah, Vancouver's gonna roooock. First priority: Brutus (but not very likely), second: Cassius, third: Antonius, fourth: Octavius, fifth: Caesar. Who knows what kind of dramatic divas I'll be pitted against, but I shall prevail! I am extremely suited to a misguided patriot, a jealous nobleman, a partying suckup, a calculating commander, or a self-righteous Imperator. I am not, of course, doing justice to each fully three-dimensional character by simply steriotyping them in a few words, but what are ya gonna do?
I am now making my first forays into Plautus, whose comedy is proving to be a singular delight, possibly better than Aristophanes. The Braggart Soldier (my current choice) restores my confidence in my own loosely-organized, farcical creations. Whether they're funny is, to be sure, another matter.
Anyway, can't wait for the reunions, professional productions, fantastic own performances, and, naturally, Def Leppard.