Friday, August 19, 2005

Why Caesar? Why not ME???

Oh yeah, Vancouver's gonna roooock. First priority: Brutus (but not very likely), second: Cassius, third: Antonius, fourth: Octavius, fifth: Caesar. Who knows what kind of dramatic divas I'll be pitted against, but I shall prevail! I am extremely suited to a misguided patriot, a jealous nobleman, a partying suckup, a calculating commander, or a self-righteous Imperator. I am not, of course, doing justice to each fully three-dimensional character by simply steriotyping them in a few words, but what are ya gonna do?
I am now making my first forays into Plautus, whose comedy is proving to be a singular delight, possibly better than Aristophanes. The Braggart Soldier (my current choice) restores my confidence in my own loosely-organized, farcical creations. Whether they're funny is, to be sure, another matter.
Anyway, can't wait for the reunions, professional productions, fantastic own performances, and, naturally, Def Leppard.

Friday, August 12, 2005

For What Purpose Do You Wish to Enlist the Powers of the Concierge?

To mark his farewell performance before setting off on yet another vacation, Johniphilus decided to effect a few backbreaking dusting and vacuuming jobs. It wasn't at all interesting.

After this, he planned to conduct himself to an amateur production of one of the Bard's lesser-known, and consequently lesser-staged chefff d'ouurves (maybe).

The singularly incredible author has also experienced a minor renaissance of creative pifflickoes, as he has termed his little dramatic phlingdillies. He is now annoyingly ripping off the Greek master Menander, and using a New Comedy formula, with one alteration. It's set in a ski lodge.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Back and I don't want to be

To be brief, it was everything I expected, which was quite a lot. I've decided I'd rather live in London than Paris. Paris has an infinite number of things to offer, to be sure, but the absence of giant English bookstores, the best "theatre" in the English language, and the beyond superb Indian food restaurants more than swayed me. Paris did have some superlative museums, the Louvre and Orsay particularly, but there sure isn't any Sunshine Radio (the world's greatest Asian station). Every city has its treasures. Lord knows I'd happily spend the better part of my days in Rome or Berlin, but I just love London. Toodle pippies.